W czasie mojej nieobecności w Nowym Jorku 12 czerwca 2019 r., zmarła Sylvia Miles (właśc. Sylvia Reuben Lee) ur. 9 września 1924 w Nowym Jorku. Gwiazda z filmu "Nocny kowboj", miała 94 lata, chociaż wielu uważało, że ma 10 lat mniej. W pośmiertnym spotkaniu z jej rodziną wyszło na jaw, że ma polskie korzenie – jej tata pochodził z Polski? Sylvia Miles, aktorka i legenda Manhattanu, którą odwiedzałem i fotografowałem w jej legendarnym i niedostępnym mieszkaniu na Central Park South, której okna wychodziły na Central Park.
Jej drugoplanowe role w "Nocnym kowboju" i "Żegnaj laleczko" przyniosły jej dwie nominacje do Oscara.
Ale to wszystko nic, sensacją było jej mieszkanie. Nikogo nie wpuszczała do środka, a o fotografowaniu, to już nie było mowy. Myślę z dużą dozą prawdopodobieństwa, że jako jedyny mam zdjęcia.
Przez lata Sylvia mieszkała na Manhattanie w pobliżu Columbus Circle, w ciasnej przestrzeni, którą przyrównała do nory „eleganckiego kreta”. Mieszkanie był wypełniony po brzegi plakatami filmowymi i wycinkami z czasopism, dotyczącymi jej życiu, listami od Tennessee Williamsa i Boba Dylana, dziełami Keitha Haringa i Richarda Bernsteina, sitodruki Warhola Marilyn Monroe…
Sylvia robiła mi z nagromadzonych tam niewyobrażalnych ilośći przedmiotów, dokumentów – artystyczne kolaże. Abym mógł jej zrobić zdjęcie na sofie, które wymyśliłem i ona zaakceptowała, przez ½ godziny przenosiliśmy leżące tam przeróżne materiały, które po zdjęciu wracały na to samo miejsce. Czyli pozorny bałagan, to nie przypadek. Żadne słowo nie odda tego, co zobaczycie na zdjęciach, więc szkoda słów – patrzcie.
PORTRAIT with HISTORY Sylvia Miles (1924-2019)
During my absence from New York on June 12, 2019, Sylvia Miles (born Sylvia Reuben Lee) died. September 9, 1924 in New York. The star from the movie "Night Cowboy" was 94 years old, although many thought he was 10 years old. In a posthumous meeting with her family, it came to light that she had Polish roots - did her father come from Poland? Sylvia Miles, an actress and legend of Manhattan, whom I visited and photographed in her legendary and inaccessible apartment in Central Park South, whose windows overlooked Central Park.
Her supporting roles in "Cowboy Night" and "Goodbye Doll" earned her two Oscar nominations. She made her debut on the small screen in "The Comedy Spot" at the turn of the 1950s and 1960s. Her television roles included guest appearances in "Policemen from Miami", "Only One Life" and "Sex and the City". When she appeared in John Schlesinger's "Cowboy Night" (1969), she already had an impressive portfolio. Her stage, lasting about 6 minutes, brought her an Oscar nomination. She plays the role of a woman from Manhattan, who invites a male prostitute from Texas (Jon Voight) to her penthouse for sex and takes all his money from him. In "Goodbye doll" (1975) her role is slightly bigger - as well as the time that appears on the screen. He plays the role of an artist who helps private investigator Philip Marlowe.
She began her acting career with musical roles in the 1950s. From the 1960s, she began appearing in film - including in "Heat" produced by her dear friend Andy Warhol, in "Wall Street" and the sequel - "Wall Street: Money is not sleeping" and "Change hat".
It caused a scandal by throwing spaghetti at the well-known film critic John Simon, who in one review criticized her. According to the New York Times, she was an excellent chess player. In New York, she appeared at almost every important event, adored for her extravagance in clothing and behavior.
As I walked with her on the streets of New York, everyone looked around us, it was impossible to walk past her without paying attention. Remarkable photo material remained from the apartment, where Andy Warhol used to be, and his original works hung on the walls. Miles played the role of Sally Todd in the film Warhol "Heat" (1972) and was sociable with him for years.
But all this was nothing, her apartment was a sensation. She didn't let anyone inside, and about photography, it was out of the question. I think with a high degree of probability that I'm the only one to have pictures.
For years, Sylvia lived in Manhattan near the Columbus Circle, in a tight space, which she compared to the burrow of an "elegant mole". The apartment was full of movie posters and magazine clippings about her life, letters from Tennessee Williams and Bob Dylan, works by Keith Haring and Richard Bernstein, screen prints of Warhol Marilyn Monroe ...
Sylvia made me unimaginable amounts of objects and documents accumulated there - artistic collages. So that I could take her picture on the sofa, which I had invented and she accepted, for ½ hours we moved various materials lying there, which after the picture returned to the same place. So the apparent mess is no accident. No word will reflect what you see in the pictures, so pity the words - look.